Samsung TV Overscan HDMI Fix

I connect my hackintosh to my Samsung TV to watch movies, but there’s a problem where the TV cuts off part of the edges.


If I open up the OS X Displays Preferences, there’s a checkbox for “Overscan”. Unchecking it will show my entire desktop on the TV with nothing cut off, but now there’s a black border.

tv2-osx tv2-osxoverscanoff
So I’ve been using it like that for a few weeks now, but I decided to look for a fix to get rid of the black borders. I searched online and found this post from How to Disable overscan on a Samsung “SMART” tv – solved

What the user Sol did was changing the “Edit Name” for the HDMI connection to “PC”. So I tried it out.

tv3-hdmi tv3-edit tv3-pc
Success?? No, not yet. It only made the black border even bigger for me!


I opened up the OS X Displays Preferences again, and turned Overscan back On, and voila! My whole desktop can be seen now, with no black borders on the Samsung TV!


P.S. My Samsung TV is new, and I haven’t removed the plastics and energy guide sticker yet. :)